76028 | 110 lb.(50 kg) |
76039 | 150 lb.(68 kg) |
92048 | 260 lb.(118 kg) |
PulseFlow® Technology Explained |

- Custom made for the customer’s specific needs
- More modules give greater production
- Mentor control allows pre-determined temperature and chemical levels for each individual bath
- Top transfer increases productivity and gives better control of chemicals
- Superior cylinder design and double drum construction
A Variety of Arrangements
Each Milnor CBW washer is custom-made for the customer’s specific needs. More modules give greater production. Water inlets and drain valves give greater flexibility. Mentor control allows pre-determined temperature and chemical levels for each individual bath.
Mentor® Control
The operator puts a batch in line for loading, then enters the goods classification number into the Mentor® Control. This automatically selects the processing formula which follows the batch until it’s automatically unloaded from the dryer and delivered to its finishing destination.
Fast Loading
A conveyor or overhead bag system may feed the load chute.
Efficient Washing
Each module has a stationary shell to hold the wash bath and a rotating, perforated inner cylinder. Each module can be used for different baths. Goods proceed through the formula by traveling from module to module, via a perforated top transfer scoop. There are no stops and starts for draining and filling after each bath. This saves time, compared to conventional washing machinery.
Temperature Controls
Any module can be equipped with a steam inlet and temperature probe.
Supply inlets can be placed in each module. The Mentor control dictates the amount of supplies and when, or if, they are added to the specific goods in each module during the wash cycle.
The MultiTrac system relays each batch’s post-wash requirements to other parts of the system; extractor, shuttle, dryers and conveyors. A CRT display identifies batch location and status. Where multiple batch dryers are used, the control system prevents mixing of incompatible batches in the same dryer.
Top Transfer Increases Productivity
Milnor top transfer CBW washers have proven higher productivity in more than 1,000 installations worldwide. They wash faster than other tunnel washers due to superior dilution which means better soil removal.
Top Transfer Gives Better Control of Chemicals
Milnor’s top transfer feature assures bath integrity. Baths are truly independent, so the washing formula can work as planned. Because water is not pumped forward with each transfer, chemicals are better targeted to the proper baths. They don’t migrate uncontrollably to subsequent baths. Titrations show that with a Milnor, it is far easier to control pH.

- Automatic control system exclusively for MILNOR CBW washers
- Saves time in programming and maintenance
- Saves training time
- One step data backup and restoration
1000 Formulas
A formula is programmed step-by-step entirely on one screen. Numerous shortcuts and timesaving features aid programming.
On-line troubleshooting
Mentor does more than alert you to any errors that might occur. It offers instant, on-screen access to guided troubleshooting steps.
Familiar graphical Windows interface
Makes it easier for you to capitalize on the MILNOR CBW washer’s vast capabilities.
Simple programming interface
One feature, the Function Programming window, lets you define several related output signals (e.g., alkali valves) as a group. It also facilitates visual organization of functions (e.g., grouping all chemical valves).
- Links serial microprocessor controls in Milnor washer-extractors, tunnel washers, extractors, dryers, and materials handling systems.
- Each machine linked to the network can receive a virtually unlimited number of processing formulas.
- Each machine can also report back actual operating data as each process for each load occurs.
Central programming
To save time and help ensure immediate use. Equipment in operation is not interrupted. Remote programming is especially useful in multi-plant situations.
Data reporting
Provides management with concise summary reports via screen or printer. Can include machine production, employee production, formula mix, formula cost, machine error, and even custom reports.
Production monitoring
To keep you in touch with current conditions. This information can be accessed at remote locations, too. Milnor also offers a free, one-year support plan (on-line and by telephone) to Mildata system purchasers. Technical support includes troubleshooting and software upgrades via modem. Support can be purchased after one year.