A true air filter and scrubber with vacuum, that removes lint, dust and contaminants from the air. Chicago now offers a great new auxiliary item to help remove lint from the area around an Air Chicago towel folder, Skyline sheet, blanket, or table linen folder or Skyline Mini blanket and pad folder, as well as Chicago flatwork ironers. It is designed to scrub and capture airborne lint to improve air quality for operators, improve equipment performance by keeping mechanical equipment and electronic sensors cleaner, and generally reduce the amount of blow down and clean up time required of maintenance staff.
Unit also comes standard with a remote control to turn it on and off from floor level. On new installations, power connections can also be provided on Chicago commercial linen finishing equipment to reduce installation cost and provide a cleaner look, as well as a cleaner laundry. (Consult factory for details.) LINTBUSTER easily positions over commercial laundry finishing equipment that creates secondary lint and dust as it process textiles.
Chicago LintBuster